Guidance Department
The goal of the St. Patrick Guidance Department is to provide an individual-centered, developmentally appropriate program which culminates in student readiness to succeed in a college or university setting. This goal is accomplished by addressing the academic, personal –social and post-secondary development specific to each level. We work collaboratively with students, parents and teachers by fostering school and home communication, facilitating parent-teacher conferences and providing parent guidance regarding academic and social topics. The Guidance Department is composed of two certified educators: Ms. Liz Wilkinson is the Director of Guidance and Mrs. Lauren Williams is the Director of Student Services.
Academic planning - guidance counselors work closely with students to plan their course of studies, to support their school performance, to review progress, to set academic goals, as well as to implement academic interventions. School counselors communicate with families on an on-going basis to provide updates on student achievement and attendance, as well as to recognize successes.
Personal/social development-- guidance counselors focus on the whole development of students, facilitate social/emotional learning opportunities, connect students to activities and electives based on their interest, build home-school-community alliances, and provide on-going individualized attention to ensure student success. School counselors facilitate individual and group counseling, as well as crisis intervention counseling as needed.
College and post-secondary development-- guidance counselors help students understand their strengths and talents, and how these abilities can be utilized in various college majors and careers. We facilitate school-wide activities and guidance lessons related to post-secondary planning. We aid students in the college admissions process, and all next steps to their secondary education.
Liz Wilkinson
Director of Guidance
Lauren Williams
Director of Student Services
St. Patrick offers college and career guidance and counseling programs to help students make informed education and career choices. College counseling stresses the importance of high school performance and involvement. Seniors and senior parents meet with the counselors individually to discuss and develop action plans for college applications. Over the course of their high school years, there are several programs in place to ensure that students are progressing towards preparation for college success.
We encourage you to get involved early. Students and parents are able to meet with the counselors at any time during the school year.
Activities associated with career guidance and counseling programs include:
Advising students and parents on high school programs and academic curriculum
Planning and preparation for college admissions test
Assisting students to organize and prepare for the college application process
Assisting with scholarship searches
Informing students about post secondary financing that can be used to support advanced education and training
Providing specialized counseling and intervention services to provide students with individualized attention
All Freshmen will take the ITBS test in the Spring as required by the Diocese of Biloxi
Students are reminded to focus on taking the most rigorous curriculum appropriate and mastering the skills. They are also encouraged to continue taking part in extracurricular activities, trying to become leaders.
All Sophomores are encouraged to take the PSAT in October and they take the ACT in the spring..
All Juniors are invited to take the PSAT in October to determine if they qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program and to continue preparing for College Admission Exams.
All juniors are required to take the College and Career Readiness course as a requirement of graduation. This course is taught by our director of student services and focuses on creating individual student plans for success for each student.
The Guidance Department hosts a Junior and Senior Parent Night in the fall. The focus is to help parents and students gain insights into college selection and application processes, as well as testing opportunities and procedures, and financial aid opportunities
Juniors are invited to meet with college representatives on campus.
Juniors will attend the Gulf Coast Area College Fair in the fall
Juniors are encouraged to begin college visits. Two visits are allowed in the 11th grade.
All juniors will take the ACT once in the fall and once in the spring
Throughout the fall semester, seniors meet with the College Counselor to make final list of colleges and begin applying. College Counselors are available to assist with applications, resumes, essays, and scholarship searches.
Seniors are allowed three official college visits.
In the fall, seniors are encouraged to continue meeting with college representatives on campus.
The Director of Student Services sends out a monthly e-newsletter to assist our seniors and their parents through the college admissions and financial aid processes
The Guidance Department hosts a Junior and Senior Parent Night in the fall. The focus is to help parents and students gain insights into college selection and application processes, as well as testing opportunities and procedures, and financial aid opportunities
Seniors will take the ACT in the fall
National Collegiate Athletic Association
Catholic Colleges & Universities