National Honor Society Members Due: 11-30-23—Opens 9-18-23

The NHS Scholarship  OPENS SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 (MEMBERS ONLY)

Since 1946, more than $19 million in scholarships has been awarded to outstanding NHS senior members. The scholarship program is supported by the parent organization of NHS, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).The 2022-2023 NHS Scholarship application process will open on September 19, 2022.  Eligible senior NHS members must have a verified NHS student account in order to apply for the scholarship. Learn more about student accounts and review our FAQs.

Award Distribution:

1 National Winner – $25,000 scholarship
24 national finalists – $5,625 scholarship
575 national semifinalists – $3,200 scholarship
Total scholarships awarded: 600

Total 2021 scholarship distribution: $2 million

Additional Scholarship Information:

The National Honor Society is committed to helping students achieve their secondary education goals, and provides the following resources to students and their families to help with the planning process.

Prepare for College from the Comfort of your Home Computer
NHS and NJHS members have exclusive access to an annual college readiness webinar series, featuring leading experts on a variety of topics.

Looking for the NHS Scholar Dollars tool? We recently retired it and are looking into new ways to bring more scholarship resources to students in our networks. In the interim, please visit the College Greenlight and College Board Big Future sites for comprehensive free information and also peruse NASSP’s Approved Contests, Activities list.

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Southernettes Scholarship