Elijah’s Closet 2/22

Students for Life invite students to come to volunteer at Elijah's closet in Biloxi on Saturday, February 22nd from 10am-12pm. We will be helping their organization to organize their donations. Sign up here or contact Ms. Drake. We are hoping for a minimum of 10 volunteers. 

Key club invites students to help us with our donation drive. The key clubs on the coast were asked to do drives to help fill female veteran backpacks. Our school was asked to collect lotion, small first aid kits, small sewing kits, and snacks (single pack crackers). If you bring one of each, you will receive 2 service hours. Bring these items to Ms. Drake's classroom (room 116) by February 20th.  


One Magnolia Place Assisted Living 4/29


Elijah’s Closet